6-inch Two-Sided Street Name Sign (Max. 18 characters)
6-inch Two-Sided Street Name Sign (Max. 18 characters) Quantity in Basket: None
Code: Street-6D4EG
Price: $24.50
Shipping Weight: 3.00 pounds
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6-inch tall Street Name sign, double-sided, with all upper-case 4-inch letters (MAIN ST) or upper- and lower-case (Main St). The prefix (E or N, for example) or the suffix (Ave or St or Blvd) may be 2-inch letters as a way to set off the main name. The prefix or suffix can be placed in one of three positions: Superscript, Center or Parallel Bottom as shown above and recommended by the federal MUTCD. Available in Flat .080 (most popular) or .125 (thicker) aluminum, or Extruded aluminum blade, which is 1/4-inch thicker at top and bottom for added strength. Note: Extruded signs only available in High Intensity Prismatic or Diamond Grade.

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